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UX, User Research & Product Discovery Blog

Mein Ziel ist es, hilfreiche Informationen über UX-Research und Product Discovery zur Verfügung zu stellen. Das Wissen in diesem Blog setzt sich aus Inhalten über Terminologie, Methodik, Psychologie, Trends und dergleichen zusammen. Ich hoffe, dass diese Ressource dir hilft, dein kritisches Denken und deine Problemlösungs- und Entscheidungsfähigkeiten zu verbessern.

Fearless Learning: How Admitting „I Don’t Know“ Drives Success

This blog post will explore the concept of fearless learning and its transformative impact on our lives. We'll delve into the strength of seeking help and the benefits of embracing a growth mindset. As a UX and leadership coach, I know firsthand the value of admitting my own limitations and how it enables me to better support my clients on their growth journey.
Throughout this article, I will delve into my success story as a designer without a formal education and explore the power of practical experience, alternative learning resources, and the importance of building a personalised learning journey. By understanding these aspects, you can unlock your potential and navigate your individual path in the exciting realm of UX design.
In the fast-paced design world, the role of UX designers has undergone a remarkable transformation. Gone are the days when they were the solitary owners of the user experience, toiling away in isolation. Today, the landscape has shifted, demanding a collaborative approach that harnesses the collective brilliance of teams and individuals across the organisation. As a UX and Leadership coach, I firmly believe that we are moving away from being the sole guardians of UX and evolving into facilitators who empower others to contribute to a remarkable user experience.
If you're passionate about creating exceptional user experiences and believe that constructive feedback is the secret ingredient to design success, you've come to the right place. Whether you're a UX guru, a seasoned leader, or an aspiring design feedback maestro, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills to provide effective feedback that will elevate your team.
In this article, we will dive into the elements of a strong UX vision. I'll offer some practical advice on developing your own UX vision, discuss strategies for communicating your vision effectively and share some common pitfalls to avoid. By the end of this article, I hope you'll feel confident and empowered to create a UX vision that will drive your work forward and make a meaningful impact on your users.